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Unlock Your Best Health

Take Back Control & Reclaim Your Energy!

Ditch the frustration and unlock long-lasting health and vitality with a personalized plan that fits YOUR busy life (no matter your age!).

Life throws a lot at us: demanding schedules, family commitments, and ever-changing health needs.


It's easy to feel overwhelmed and frustrated, especially when it comes to our well-being. Maybe you've tried latest diets or generic regimens that didn't deliver lasting results. Perhaps you're experiencing sluggishness, low energy, or other health concerns that affect your daily life.


You're not alone.


Many people over 40 struggle to find a sustainable approach to health that truly works for them.

Imagine achieving lasting energy, feeling confident and vibrant, and living life to the fullest. What if you could finally discover a sustainable approach to health that fits your busy schedule and unique needs?


Hi, I'm Margot Hiller,

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Mindfulness (MBSR) Teacher

Change Expert

I'm here to guide you as you transform your habits and your life.


We'll build new habits and let go of old ones.


We'll design a plan that's just for you, taking into account your needs and the challenges of change.


I offer personalized coaching programs designed to empower busy people like you to achieve long-lasting results.

Badge: Integrative Nutrition Health Coach by Institute for Integrative Nutrition
International Coaching Federation (ICF) Coach badge
MBSR Teacher Level I
Margot (Malgorzata) Hiller - Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Mindful Meditation (MBSR) Teacher


My Signature Programs

A spring

Jumpstart your weight loss & health. Time to shed the winter weight and embrace a healthier you! Intensive, 4-week program to reset your nutrition and lifestyle habits, leaving you feeling energized and empowered.


Go beyond the quick fix. Re-Balance is a comprehensive 3-month long program designed to create lasting changes in your health and relationship with food. A diet-free, sustainable approach to weight management.

A lock in a shape of a heart

Unlock your full potential. Rejuvenate is a 6-month long proactive program designed to maximize your health and vitality for a vibrant future. Invest in healthy aging, naturally.


Check current offers:

No matter your goals – from weight management to increased energy and overall well-being – I have a program to help you achieve them.

I'll work with you to:

​​Uncover the root cause of your health struggles.

Craft a personalized plan that fits your busy life and body.

Provide ongoing support and accountability to keep you motivated.

Equip you with the knowledge and tools for long-term success.

"I had been struggling with excess weight and IBS symptoms for quite some time before I decided to seek help with health coaching. Margot was immediately understanding and compassionate, tailoring our sessions to my individual needs. With her guidance, we identified the triggers of my gut symptoms and together developed a plan to make powerful changes that would benefit me."

Anna C.

Get Started Today

Book a free consultation

to discuss your goals and find the perfect program for you.

Schedule a free discovery call today Let's unlock your potential for a healthier, happier you!

No strings attached – just an open conversation that could set off big changes.

Photo of Margot Hiller
A woman in a dress feeling confident and happy


Top 10 Strategies For Lasting Weight Loss


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